Here we find one of the most important disciplines of engagement, yet it is so often overlooked and misunderstood. When I
first heard of celebration, the only thought I had was of church, where we celebrate God and all he has done. Yet while this
can certainly be a part of celebration, it falls more under worship; engagement, then, is enjoying ourselves. Some would scoff
and balk; some believe to enjoy ourselves is wickedness. As we’ll see, that is not true at all. We engage in celebration
when we enjoy ourselves, our life, our world, in conjunction with our faith and confidence in God’s greatness, beauty,
and goodness. We concentrate on our life and world as God’s work and as God’s gift to us.
We can celebrate together with other believers, eating and drinking, singing and dancing, relating stories. Yet we can also
celebrate alone. Take a walk in the park. Eat out at a nice restaurant. Go see a movie. Play with the dog. Enjoy ice cream.
Enjoy life. Find a hobby. Hang out with a friend. The list never ends. Holy delight and joy is the great antidote to despair
and is a wellspring of genuine gratitude.
The unabashedly sensual and earthly character of celebration or jubilee is nowhere more clearly portrayed than in the instructions
contained in Deuteronomy 14:24-26:
“But if the place God, your God, designates for worship is too far away and you can’t carry your tithe that far,
God, your God, will still bless you: exchange your tithe for money and take the money to the place God, your God, has chosen
to be worshipped. Use the money to buy anything you want: cattle, sheep, wine, or beer – anything that looks good to
you. You and your family can then feast in the Presence of God, your God, and have a good time.” - The Message
God says, “Buy what you want,” and feast in the Presence of God. We are called by God to enjoy ourselves, and
when we do this, we enjoy ourselves in the Presence of God. In celebration we don’t just enjoy ourselves, we enjoy ourselves
in God’s presence! Why does God throw out this command?
“…You will learn to live in deep reverence before God, your God, as long as you live.” - Deuteronomy 14:23,
The Message
That’s just amazing! Look at these other Scriptures from Ecclesiastes:
“Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good. It is good for people to eat well, drink a good glass of
wine, and enjoy their work--whatever they do under the sun--for however long God lets them live. And it is a good thing to
receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life--that is indeed a
gift from God. People who do this rarely look with sorrow on the past, for God has given them reasons for joy.” - Ecclesiastes
5:18-20, NLT
“So I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work. Then I realized
that this pleasure is from the hand of God.” - Ecclesiastes 2:24, NLT
“So I concluded that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to enjoy themselves as long as they can.
And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.” - Ecclesiastes
3:12,13, NLT
“So I saw that there is nothing better for people than to be happy in their work. That is why they are here! No one
will bring them back from death to enjoy life in the future.” - Ecclesiastes 3:22, NLT
The idea of celebration will seem far too hedonistic to many of us. But we dishonor God as much by fearing and avoiding pleasure
as we do by dependence upon it or living for it. How do you feel when you spend time and effort on a wonderful gift, and give
it to someone, and they don’t even touch it, but just say, “Thank you, thank you…” without enjoying
it? We want them to enjoy the gift! We want to say, “Go play!” When God gives us these gifts of pleasure, He says,
“Go play,” and we worship Him as we enjoy life! Let’s not forget that pleasure is God’s invention,
not Satan’s! Satan has nothing to do with happiness and joy and fun!
Celebration can become a delirious joy coursing through our bodily being, when we really begin to see how great and lovely
God is and how good he has been to us. Feasting, dancing, singing, oration become insuppressible. We can’t put a lid
on our excitement and happiness, our exuberance and play-fulness. Even the hills must sing and the trees break out in applause
for God (Isaiah 55:12), and every created thing must praise the Lord (Psalms 148-150).
Celebration, when done from the heart, makes our deprivations and troubles and problems and pains and sorrows seem small and
insignificant, and we find in it great strength to do the will of our God because his goodness becomes so real to us.
“For by thee, I have run through a troop: and by my God I have leaped over a wall…”
- Psalm 18:29, KJV