“The man wakes from the final struggle
of death, in absolute loneliness – such a loneliness as in the most miserable moment of deserted childhood he never
knew. Not a hint, not a shadow of anything outside his consciousness reaches him. All is dark, dark and dumb; no motion –
not the breath of a wind! Never a dream of change! Not a scent from a far-off field! No sign of God anywhere. God has so far
withdrawn from the man… he is in God’s prison, his own separated self.”
- George MacDonald, The Last Farthing
Hell is not a popular
subject. We’d prefer it not be part of God’s creation (yes, God created it!), but we’re not calling the
shots – and God has said there is a place where those who reject Him will be housed forever. But Hell needs to be talked
about – it is no small wonder John the Baptist warned, “Flee from the wrath to come.” In Hell there is no
death there, no time when the conscience is at ease. Hell is a place of desolation and great pain. It is a place where those
who choose to be separate from God will get their eternal wish – separation from God forever. Hell was not created
for man – it was created for Satan and his angels; if we refuse to follow God, we are rebels with Satan, whether we
know it or not, and will join him there. Hell is for those who betray God – not vice versa. As real life is only found
in God, so they will suffer the most extreme and real of deaths – a death that never ends! Revelation says that those
in Hell will be “tormented day and night forever and ever,” in the “Lake of Fire.” Some people don’t
like the idea of Hell, so they say, “I don’t believe that.” What does that change? Hell is paying a bill
for your rejection of God – a bill that can never be paid; since it can never be paid, the bill just keeps coming around
– the payments never stop. But do you know what the worst part of Hell is? The eternal torment of remembering that on
such-and-such a day, the person say in church, heard the news of Hell, and didn’t do anything about it. Hell is knowing
that you could have but never did address the issue of your eternal destiny. You didn’t take seriously the wrath of
God. People in Hell remain fully conscious, have memories, conscience, and all physical senses intact – but it’s
all agony! The memories are painful, your body is racked in pain, and you are all alone, in the darkness; think of the worst
depression, and multiply it by a million. That’s Hell. The moment you step in, you’ll want to commit suicide –
but you won’t be able to. Jesus was on the ball when He said, “There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Some think Hell will be a big party – but Hell is solitary confinement. We were created as social creatures; we will
be banished from one another, lost in our thoughts, our pain, our memories for eternity-upon-eternity-upon-eternity. There
is no fellowship in Hell; no get-togethers, to parties, no reunions, no buffets. Hell does have varying degrees of
punishment – those who knew more but rejected it will be punished far more than those who knew less and made the same
decision. Yet even the slightest degree is beyond comprehension. No matter what you read, we’ll never be able
to really understand – even catch a glimpse of – the tortures of Hell. And it will go on for eternity;
how long is eternity? If you emptied the Pacific Ocean, the largest body of water in the world, and piled it full of sand
as high as Mount Everest, you would have a huge pile, huge beyond comprehension! Now suppose you get a bird and trained it
to pick up one grain of sand every million years. How long would it take that bird to empty the sand pile? A long time. We
probably don’t have numbers to count that high! But guess what? When that bird has picked up that last grain of sand,
you will have only spent your first second in Hell. That’s what I call an eternity. God doesn’t just come out
of nowhere and boom on unsuspecting people who had no chance to do anything about their eternal destiny – God endures
us with “much patience,” and is eager for us to turn from our sin and turn to Him for real life. God is
patient, giving everyone space and time to change – but the decision is still theirs to make! Every one of us is a heartbeat
from eternity – believers are a heartbeat from Heaven, and unbelievers a heartbeat from Hell. One heartbeat, one act
of violence, one accident away from the judgment of God. God’s fury could blow the universe apart at any moment; the
End could come at any second. Hell is not a place of jokes, because no one will be laughing. Hell is not a place for partying,
because there will be no one to part with – just you and your pain. The Nile-infested slums of Africa become paradise
when compared to what is to be experienced in Hell.